My Point Exactly

Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I love it when I'm watching the news, a horrible story will come up and someone says, "What is this world coming to?". I just fucking laugh. What is this world coming to? Hmm let me think; the same thing its always been coming to - the future. And you know what's in the future? The same random acts of violence and peversion that haved been with humanity ever since our grunts turned intelligible.

My point being, why would anybody think the world is coming to something? As if life were like a plot outline i learned about in 8th grade. We just passed foreshadowing and we're on our way to the climax, aka the end of the world, the rapture, nuclear destruction, etc.

If anything life is sort of like a cycle, we're vicarious learners, we have to singe our fingertips to learn not to play with fire. Once we learn, the lesson will stick until the next generation comes, looks back, and being left with nothing but words, repeats the same mistakes over; because as always, we're vicarious learners and words are those things that don't rile our emotions quite enough to get anyone to stand back on their feet, unless of course it was in their best interest - otherwise known as the day they learn their lesson with their own eyes.


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